HackerRank 30 Days of Code Solution Day 1: Data Types

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We are going to solve HackerRank’s “30 Days of Code” programming problem on day 1 Data Types HackerRank solution in C++, Python and JavaScript language with complete code.

Disclaimer: We encourage you to solve this challenge yourself before reading our tutorial. We have provided a detailed explanation of the problem and our solutions to help you check your work.

Hackerrank 30 days of code

It’s part of hackerrank’s 30 days of code. A series of 30-day programming challenges. Where you can learn new programming languages by solving the coding challenges.

Task (30 Days of Code - HackerRank)

Complete the code in the editor below. The variables i,d ,s and are already declared and initialized for you. You must:

Data Type HackerRank solution in C++

Data Type HackerRank solution in Python

Data Type HackerRank solution in JavaScript


In the test case i = 4, d = 4.0, s = HackerRank and the user input is 12, 4.0, is the best place to learn and practice coding! then the output will be like this in the test case.

Test Case of Data Type HackerRank Solution

Solution to 30 days of code Day 1 Data Types